Log Homes vs Log Cabins

What’s the difference between a log home and a log cabin?
While the difference is not drastic, there are a few differentiating factors between cabins and homes!
- Log cabins are smaller and cozier than cabins – typically ranging from 800 sq. ft. to a little over a thousand
- Log cabins are usually more cost efficient because of their size
- Log homes are more modern. Due to their size, most log homes are more modern and include features you would see in a typical new build
Whether you’re looking to build or buy an established log home or cabin, it’s important to use quality materials. Hiring the right builder and inspector can help you decide if a log home or cabin is the right choice for you and your family!
Source: https://www.woodworkersshoppe.com/the-difference-between-a-log-cabin-and-a-log-home/